Wednesday’s Channel 9/29/2021

Intuitive Healing-Make Time for Yourself Goddess Artemis– Her realm is of the wilderness. A wild Squash has spread it’s roots throughout the spiritual realm in your life. Something you are afraid to allow to flourish in your life is success. Your fruits of your labors are right here and now. Artemis, understands you need some…

I Fall into Me; Wednesday’s Channel, Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine I Fall into Me Often as women when we begin to be noticed by a likable attraction (a love, a lover) when we tend to over commit.  We become lost within our significant other and desire to be filled and satisfied with their love.  We dive in too deep and dismiss the…

Forgiving Yourself is to heal your body, soul, and mind.

You deserve the best from yourself 1st. Sometimes you *get* to travel down new paths to discover your answers. *Get*=We have a choice on our own care. Do you feel trapped and want to learn how to discover how you have choices to change your own outcomes? Are you Balanced? As a team, we will…